2013年10月20日 星期日

[Annotation 1] Can Human Flesh Search Stands In Justice?

Can Human Flesh Search Stands In Justice?

  Some called human fresh search “cyber manhunt”, and describe it as witch-hunt in the Middle Ages in Europe. When a person is targeted, his all personal information like ID number, address, pictures and everything he did will exposed in public. People who oppose human fresh research question it is Internet vigilante or Internet lynching [1]. Because there are some enraged netizens would annoy the target’s family, blaming him with filthy language and even send him a death threat. As far as I am concerned, human fresh search is a tool to help improve our society and it tell us that everyone still have to follow the law even in the victual world. Knife can be used to kill someone but we would not forbid a knife. So is human fresh search.     

  In China, the government corruption has been a big issue. Thanks to human fresh search, the venal officials’ infamous behavior can be exposed in public. It was the contribution of human fresh.

[1] Human-flesh search, Internet Vigilante or Internet lynching

Can Human Flesh Search Stands In Justice?
Internet creates a virtual world where anyone can publish his ideas anonymously. Hiding behind the computer screen, some have more courage to say whatever we want to say, including some offensive opinions which may be against the law or violate the ethic value. Does it can totally keep the identity secret on the Internet? Users’ personal information is easily found on the search results from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Baidu, etc. Human flesh search (Chinese: 人肉搜索; Rénròu Sōusuǒ) is not an official search engine. It is a term that Chinese netizen created. It means that netizens gather to find out someone’s real-life identity like his real name, age and picture. Even the phone number, address and who his friends and relatives are can be found and posted online by the netizens who voluntarily to investigate and share the information.
  The search engines can help us collect lots of information but picking the right ones from it is not easy. Relying on human fresh search, that is to say, the collaboration of the netizens we can have more precise details efficiently than the artificial intelligence. From a picture, a video or even a ID, each netizen who notices a few clues and investigate them from blogs, community websites, internet forums,etc, can piece the truth together.
The most important feature and of human fresh search is that it can be used to stand in justice. In 2006, a man whose internet pseudonym was “catkiller 飛天貓” published an provoking article about with pictures on which a frightened poor kitten was burned by boiling water or tied by rubber band in a Chinese internet forum for cat lovers. His disdainful attitude and cold-blooded behavior caused a rage making the human fresh search happen. Tracing his IP (Internet Protocol), people found he lived in Taipei. The united netizens called the police and help them find the man’s house by the picture where the background was at Neihu District. The man was finally arrested.
  Los Angeles Times said: China's 'human flesh search' Let's have eclipsed the International Criminal Police Organization. Even in the virtual world where people hide their real identity, it doesn’t mean that we can do everything we want. Human fresh search is a strong public power which can stand in justice to prevent people from the punishment of law. Netizens are the supervisers if something illegal happen on the internet. Human fresh search may be considered as a intrusion of privacy because of the target’s every personal information will be posted in public. But I think it is definitely a good tool to crack down the crime, and can do good for our society just we use it properly.

2013年10月6日 星期日

Is Having Sex in Public Legal When It Is Called Art?

Is Having Sex in Public Legal When It Is Called Art?

  In March 2012, a controversial video called “Street Love” spread on the Internet. At the lane where many people and cars passed through, there was a young girl lying on the mattress with a quilt covered. A man walked to the girl, took off his clothes and slipped into the bed. They kissed and touched each other for few minutes and then their bodies moved so violently in the bed that the image looked like they were having sex. The police found the naked man, Frank Yang(楊士毅), who claimed what he did was “performance art(行為藝術)” and was arrested on a charge of sex offenses(妨礙風化罪) .

   How do you define art?  I think it is difficult to define art because the way to appreciate art was subjective. The artists convey their thoughts through their works.  Frank Yang tried to awaken people’s inner desire from subconscious. The idea had no problem but the method he used was improper and illegal. It was also against the morality. If a child who has no idea about sex saw his “performance art ” , he would probably imitate them out of curiosity. Having sex in public forced other people saw the embarrassing image accidentally. Some of them may feel nothing but some may feel sick. It might lead to the mental wound. To catch people’s eyes, this controversial video definitely caused a big sensation. Imagine that if a guy killed the passersby randomly with a gun and he said it was a kind of art. Law protect everyone’s right to create and also protect the right not to be harmed physically or mentally.  


2013年10月2日 星期三

    The Train Sex Party  

101102030 朱品晶
  On February 24th, 2012, a train sex party took place on the train carriage of the Taiwan Railways Administration. A seventeen-year-old girl had sex with eighteen men who found the invitation posted by Tsai Yu-lin (蔡育林)on BBS.

  I think it was wrong and terrible. The train was a public space. Not everyone wanted to see the sex. Smoking in public forced people to breathe in secondhand smoke .  Having sex in public is also improper and made some people who see it feel sick.
The girl should treasure her body more. She may get venereal disease by having sex with so many strangers. More importantly, you regard your body as a toy that any body can do anything on and then who will treasure your body? She could find pleasure in sex but the consideration she got was not because the men really care about her. They just wanted the sex. This young girl deserved to be loved and treated well not like a miserable disposable toy.